Answer Selection Reference


What it is

Create helpful UX for shoppers by connecting the journey selections and their product results.

Answer selection reference allows the shopper to see an overview of their answer selections on the results page and the ability to go back to specific questions and change their answers for updated results.
When paired with Ticks and Crosses it provides context to what answers have matched or not.

What it looks like



How to implement

Turn on

  1. On the workflow select Actions > Settings > Edit

  2. Navigate to the tab UI Result & behaviours

  3. Midway down the page find and select the checkbox Show selection reference


    1. Here you have the ability to show the feature at the top of results page (under title, on top of product results) or at the bottom (below product results, above pagination and/or restart)

    2. Beneath there is also an option to display this feature opened or closed by default (when a shopper has completed their journey they will see their answer reference in your chosen state. Shoppers will have the option to open or close via interaction)

  4. Scroll down and click Save.


  1. On the workflow select Actions > Settings > Test Guide Widget

  2. Expand the RESULTS tab

  3. Scroll and expand the Selection reference tab

  4. The below are the associated configurations