Share Results
What is Share Results?
Results sharing is a functionality that can be implemented on your journey results page which allows shoppers to share their results with friends via Email, SMS, WhatsApp or a Copy link. This links in turn drive additional traffic from new users directly back to your website.
Activating this feature will enable the display of the share icon on the top left of the results page and the share divider at the bottom of results.
When interacted with, a modal (Desktop: Popup, Mobile: Slide up) appears with the chosen enabled share methods (e.g. Email, SMS, WhatsApp or a Copy link).
All methods generate a unique link containing the shoppers results. The results are clickable and will redirect the shopper to the product page on the brands website.
Note: share links only share the first page of results when pagination is used.
What it looks like
Shared results page
How to implement
Turn on the feature navigate to the chosen journey
Select Actions > Journey Settings
Find and select the tab Results sharing
Tick to turn on the specific share types you’d like to offer your shoppers
(Optional) Edit the share text shown to the referred users
The default for this is: Check out my {tenant} recommendations from preezie!
Where {tenant} is a dynamic value that shows your company name, e.g.
Check out my Shoe Store recommendations from preezie!
Tick Active to show the share capability on your results page
Make sure to Save
The Share results will now be set up, you can open a preview of the journey, complete it to view the results and view the feature.