Sort by results
What it is
Result sorting allows users to order their set of preezie results.
These can be set in ascending or descending orders based integer fields within your feed.
Result sorting will account for all products across every page and reorder based on the selected Sort by type.
What it looks like
How to implement
Activate Sort By feature
Open high-level edit > go to tab UI Result & Behaviours > Scroll into the bottom
Tick ‘Show sort by filters’
The first line represents the preezie scoring
Click the plus to add other sorting options
Field name becomes a dropdown - this will show a list of the possible sorting option
A couple of examples include:
Items sold > descending > popular or best selling
price > ascending > > price low to high
Once all added, remember to save!
Style Sort By feature
There is little styling involved - Colour and font inherit from primary settings.
Go to Test Guide Widget > Results > Sort by filters
Here you have the ability to shift the sort by to the left
Best practice = right-hand side
You can also change the Sort by copy