Pricing controls

What it is

Widget options that allow more flexibility with price in your product results. This is done through the ability to

  • Position price underneath the product name in your results

  • Add and style text for 'was', 'now' and 'save' prices. Savings can either be a currency amount or a % (which is calculated automatically for you).

What it looks like


How to implement

Activate Pricing Controls

  1. In Workflow Settings > UI Result & Behaviours use the checkboxes to select the pricing options you wish to display:

  2. Hit Save

  3. Exit Workflow Settings

  4. Launch Test Guide Widget to complete the setup

Move Price display location

  1. In Test Guide Widget expand the Results configurations and toggle Always show price under product image ON or OFF depending on your preferences.

Style 'was', 'now' and 'save' prices

  1. In Test Guide Widget expand the Results configurations

  2. Expand device type to style for Mobile or Desktop

  3. Expand Discounted price

  4. Here you have complete control over text, size, colour etc for each price type