Add to cart buttons
Using Add to cart buttons in preezie results has shown to…
Increase conversion rate by 10%
e.g. 50% of shoppers now engage with the results with 7% going on to buy
Gain between 2-11% add to cart CTR (dependent on the product types)
Over 2x the average result page conversion rate when clicked compared
This ranges from 5-30% of those who use add to cart go on to buy
Increase the engagement with the result page to 50%
Tip: Use this feature with Stacks bundling to grow Conversion AND AOV
Here’s a guide to adding add to cart buttons to your preezie product recommendations. This allows shoppers to directly purchase their preezie recommendations:
Note, we highly recommend testing the feature first by adding to a test or cloned journey in isolation before adding to your live journeys!
For Shopify customers
Connect it to your product feed
To connect your Shopify feed to your cart, you’ll need to add the Product ID join to our preezie results. Please get in touch with to help you with this, the steps are:
In choose your Product database
Click Create New Field
Name: prz_addToCartId
Type: String
Feed Path: variants/id
Hit Save
Now you have added a new product field you need to re-run your feed (or wait for it to run automatically) for each product to propagate the Shopify ID value into prz_addToCartId
To do it manually: Go to find your feed, hit Run
Once the feed has Success status, go to and find any product to check the new field is present, for example:
Turn on the feature
Then turn on the feature in your CMS admin > Settings > Tenant settings
Get in touch with if you need help with thisIn the admin tab select Shopify then Active
If your website has a custom shopping cart integration then you can add an optional Redirect for the shopper directly to your cart page (in a new tab)
This is used in the case where the cart is not automatically refreshed when preezie adds products to your cart, i.e. it looks like nothing has happened!
Hit > Save API Integration
Turn on and style your buttons
You’re now ready to turn on and style your buttons, see the styling guide below.
Custom integration for all other eCommerce platforms
Connect it to your product feed
To connect your feed to your cart, you’ll need to add the Product ID field that your website’s add to cart is using to map to your preezie database attributes. This is the join between the results and your website’s cart. Please get in touch with to help you with the steps below
In choose your Product database
Click Create New Field
Name: prz_addToCartId
Type: String
Feed Path: (this needs to match your feed’s cart product id, e.g. id)
Hit Save
Now you have added a new product field you need to re-run your feed (or wait for it to run automatically) for each product to propagate the Product ID value into prz_addToCartId
To do it manually: Go to find your feed, hit Run
Once the feed has Success status, go to and find any product to check the new field is present, for example:
Turn on the feature
Turn on the feature in your CMS admin > Settings > Tenant settings
Get in touch with if you need help with thisIn the admin tab select Custom then Active
If you require it then you can add an optional Redirect to your cart page after the shopper clicks add to cart (in a new tab)
Hit > Save API Integration
Add your custom code
Now the feature is on, each time the add to cart button is clicked a preezie custom event przAddToCartEvent
will fire. You then need to place this script on your pages with your own custom add to cart events that your platform uses.
The event param requires 2 variables to be passed,
id: the exact product variant id that will be added to the cart, note this needs to match the id passed to prz_addToCartId as above
quantity: the quantity that is being passed, i.e. 1
const przAddToCartEventInterval = setInterval(() => {
const przWidget = document.getElementsByClassName('preezie-widget-app')[0]
if (przWidget) {
przWidget.addEventListener('przAddToCartEvent', (event) => {
// !!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!
// event: { detail: { id: '125173761', quantity: 1 } }
// Please implement your own custom logic to handle the 'add to cart' event here
}, 2000)
Hence each time the add to cart button is clicked przAddToCartEvent
is fired and subsequently the actions within your customised script above.
Example Below
As an example, here’s a custom example of a Shopify add to cart script.
Updates are needed, please read the code comments below for instructions on updates.
(Note, you need to update the fetch URL to your own,
and you need to implement the logic to update the cart UI on your site)
const przAddToCartEventInterval = setInterval(() => {
const przWidget = document.getElementsByClassName('preezie-widget-app')[0]
if (przWidget) {
przWidget.addEventListener('przAddToCartEvent', (event) => {
// Please note that this is an example only.
// You will need to implement your own custom logic to handle the 'add to cart' event on your site.
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'no-cache',
credentials: 'same-origin',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
redirect: 'follow',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
body: JSON.stringify({ items: event.detail })
}).then((response) => {
// Put your cart UI code here
}, 2000)
Turn on and style your buttons
You’re now ready to turn on and style your buttons, see the styling guide below.
Turn on and style your buttons
Now go to the workflow where you want to show add to cart buttons > Edit
UI Result & Behaviours > check Show Add to Cart button on results page
Add to cart button text on result page > Type the CTA text that each button will show, e.g. Add to cart
Hit Save
Workflow Edit
Style your buttons
By default your buttons will be styled the same as your Learn more buttons, if you’re not using these or want to style add to cart differently then follow these steps:
In your workflow Edit > Test Guide Widget
Now choose RESULTS > Product result > CTA behaviour
Here you have various configurations to style position, design and hover states:
RESULTS > Product result > CTA behaviour: | Options | What it does |
Button positions | First / Second |
Learn more font | preezie fonts or your uploaded custom font |
Add to cart font | preezie fonts or your uploaded custom font |
Add to cart behaviour |
Optional copy | Text field | Copy shown underneath the add to cart button, e.g. Free shipping over $50 |
Added button text | Text field | Button text shown when they add to cart |
Use custom icon | On/Off |
Icon / Hover state / Added state | Image upload | Upload an image to replace the HTML button. You can use different images for |
Mobile sizing / Desktop sizing |
Learn more sizing |
Learn more width | px | Optional fixed width of the button in pixels. If blank the px is taken from NAVIGATION > Footer Buttons width |
Learn button margin top | Gap between the button and the item above it |
Add to cart sizing |
Button width | px | Optional fixed width of the button in pixels. If blank the px is taken from NAVIGATION > Footer Buttons width |
Margin top | Gap between the button and the item above it |
Font size, Text color etc, | Various | Controls various colours, sizing of the buttons |
This means you’ll be able to match your website’s button design:
Once you hit Save! this will be immediately reflected in your widget.
For Magento customers (coming soon)
Coming soon.