Data Layer for Tealium

Data Layer for Tealium

This article explains how you can pass preezie user behaviour into your Tealium account.

Activate events

Get in touch with your Customer Service representative or email support@preezie.com to activate the event dispatch feature.

Once this is done you’ll be able to listen for every event fired (full list) for all your journeys and journey connectors.

How to listen for preezie events

The event dispatched by preezie is called:


This event will occur every time a user interaction event is created by the preezie users. It will contain all of the subsequent event details of what the user did, e.g.

All event details listed in Using the Data Layer with preezie

You can now create a listener in Tealium for prz-data-layer-events, this will allow you to pass in the appropriate user events and details.

If your Tealium cannot see the events

If your Tealium is not initialised until after the preezie widget then check for this event before creating the event listener:


How to see these events in your browser

In your Browser’s Developer Console paste this command and hit Enter:

window.addEventListener('prz-data-layer-events', (e) => {

This will then show in the console the event fired after each preezie interaction:


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