Data Layer for Adobe Launch

Data Layer for Adobe Launch

This article explains how you can track preezie user behaviour within your own Adobe Launch.


 3 easy steps

  1. Contact your Customer Success representative to turn on your ‘data layer’ preezie events

  2. Install Google data layer extension in the Adobe Launch

  3. Create rules to listen to data layer events and pass the data to analytics.

This guide covers passing all of the available preezie events into your Adobe Launch, however you can choose to pass only the ones you need

Step 1: Check the data layer is turned on

After your CS rep has confirmed this is now activated, open up Google Chrome browser:

  • Visit your website page where preezie is loaded, e.g.

  • Click through the answers to complete the journey

  • When you see the results, right-click > Inspect (or Ctrl+Shift+I) to open the Chrome Developer tools console

  • Choose the Console tab, type dataLayer and hit Enter, you will now see the fired events:

  • Depending on what action you performed you will see preezie events fired for:

    • preezie.load - fired everytime preezie widget is loaded

    • preezie.click - fired everytime someone answers a question

    • preezie.completed - fired everytime someone completes a preezie journey

    • preezie.results - fired when the first page of product results is shown

    • preezie.resultclick - fired everytime someone clicks on a product result

    • preezie.email - fired if someone submits their email address into the lead capture form

You’re now ready to join this custom data to your Adobe Launch.

Step 2: Install Google data layer extension in Adobe Launch

This will allow Adobe Launch to listen to events that are pushed into Google data layer.

  1. Navigate to the extension catalog in the Data Collection UI and select Google Data Layer.

  2. Once installed, the extension creates or accesses a data layer window.dataLayer on every load of the Adobe Experience Platform Tags library.

Google Data Layer Extension Documentation: Google Data Layer Extension | Adobe Data Collection

Step 3: Create rules to listen to data layer events and pass the data to analytics

Create the Adobe rules

This will allow Adobe launch to listen to data layer changes and trigger certain actions such as pushing data to analytics. First navigate to your Adobe Launch dashboard:

  1. Go to “Rules” section

  2. Click “Add Rule“ to create a new rule. If you already have a rule dedicated to the data layer, you can use that rule instead.

  3. Under “Events“ section, click “+“ to create a new event.

  4. On the “Event Configuration“ page, fill out the form like this example:

    1. Extension → Google Data Layer

    2. Event Type → Data Pushed

    3. Name → Preezie Data Layer Event - preezie.load

    4. Listen to → Specific Event

    5. Event / Key to register for → preezie.load

  5. Repeat Step 3 and 4 to create the other events if needed. You can put the event names below into the Event / Key to register for field.

    • preezie.load - fired everytime preezie widget is loaded

    • preezie.click - fired everytime someone answers a question

    • preezie.completed - fired everytime someone completes a preezie journey

    • preezie.results - fired when the first page of product results is shown

    • preezie.resultclick - fired everytime someone clicks on a product result

    • preezie.email - fired if someone submits their email address into the lead capture form

  1. Under “Actions” section, click “+“ to create an action that sends the data layer data to your analytics. For example, if you want to access this data layer variable preezie.workflow , you can use %event.message['preezie.workflow']% .

 Related articles

Some additional reading:

Google Data Layer Extension | Adobe Data Collection

The data layer  |  Tag Platform  |  Google for Developers

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