Product catalogue tester

Product catalogue tester

What it is

After importing your product catalogue into your preezie product database you can now view the products and validate their attributes have mapped correctly.

We recommended doing this after you import your products for the first time: Product Feed guide

This tool can also be used to test product matching logic either before you create your first workflows or if you’re troubleshooting an existing one. See this guide: Logic & Rules - Cheat Sheet

How to use it

Log in to the CMS and go to Product configuration > Product catalogue (https://admin.preezie.com/app/products/products )

Choose the database you want to view from the dropdown (you can use multiple within your account):

Here the full contents of the database will load so you can check the product count and the attributes of a product by clicking the down arrow:

Testing product filter logic

Click Test filter rules to reveal two options

  1. Subset field name - this is used to filter the top level product attribute(s)

  2. Subset field value - this is used to filter on workflow specific product attributes

Based on your product attribute field names you can now test out how you would filter to the products you need. For example, if your workflow is to recommend Chromebook laptops only. You could use:

  • Subset field name: product_type:("laptops")

  • Subset field value: tags:("Chromebook")

Hit enter and the table below will filter to only the matched products:

Note, both of these fields are required to search the product table but if you want to test one filter just use the same filter statement in both fields, e.g.


Now that you’ve filtered your products you can also search through the table to validate it’s the correct products. To search by ID (usually the SKU) or product name, use the Search by name or ID field.

In this example it matches Laptops with Chromebooks in the description and “15” anywhere in the product name.

Testing existing workflow filter logic

Typically your product feed will include all product types in your store, this means you will need to filter it down to only the products you need using some logic rules.

When you Edit your workflow you will see a ‘Use a specific product subset’ checkbox. Checking this allows you to filter by subsets. These additional fields ‘Subset field Name’ and 'Subset field value' are the ones you can use in the product catalogue tester.

So in order to understand if your workflow logic is (or will be) working correctly then copy the same values from these fields into the product catalogue tester, for example:


This will help show you how many results the logic produces and if they are the correct results for your workflow.


  • How do I import my product feed into preezie?

We support numerous methods, just follow this guide: Product Feed guide

  • How do I create filter logic on my product attributes?

There are many ways to filter on one or many attributes, see our guide: Logic & Rules - Cheat Sheet

  • How do I fix my attribute mapping if I notice an issue?

On the Product catalogue make sure you have the correct database selected then hit Clear Product Database. This will empty the database until the next import:

Now go to Product attributes (https://admin.preezie.com/app/products/configuration ) and fix your attribute mapping but selecting your database and Editing the field(s).

Hit Save, then this will correct itself when the feed is next scheduled to import. You can also do this manually in Feeds, hit Run against the feed you need to re-import.


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