BigCommerce Pixel Tracking

The easiest method is to use Script Manager:

  1. In BigCommerce navigate to Storefront → Script Manager and click Create a script

  2. Select these options:

  • Placement: Header

  • Location: Order confirmation

  • Script category: Essential

  • Script type: Script

  • Choose BigCommerce from the Select your CMS dropdown

Hit the COPY button to copy the displayed code snippet

Paste your copied code snippet into the Script Manager Script contents field:

Important: by default this script uses the order API path of %%ORDER_ID%% as the order id.

If some cases this is {{}} instead, this requires you to change the script line from

fetch('/api/storefront/order/%%ORDER_ID%%', { credentials: 'include' })


fetch('/api/storefront/order/{{}}', { credentials: 'include' })

If you’re using a custom set up then please confirm this with your development team.

Hit Save

Now you’re ready to test it!

Follow these instructions to test: Custom platforms - Pixel tracking guide | testingit