Dotdigital integration

Dotdigital integration

If you’re not a preezie customer yet, check out our journeys solution for more details.

How it works

When activated, all users completing a preezie lead form at the end of a journey will be passed directly into your dotdigital account as contacts. In addition, all of their answers to the quiz questions and their product recommendations will also be passed as Insight Collections.

It uses Dotdigital’s public api to authenticate with your credentials and pass the preezie data directly into your account in real-time.

Example scenarios

  • Email the user’s product recommendations directly to their inbox

    • e.g. Here are your top product recommendations: 1) Pure Bright Eye Shadow, 2) Tinted Lip Balm

  • Re-target these users with email campaigns directly related to their answers/product recommendations

    • e.g. Target all emails with a budget >$100 and looking for organic products

  • Segment these users with specific flows based on their answers/product recommendations

    • e.g. Create a segment who have an answer of “I’m a make up beginner” > email them content tips on make up tutorials

Quick start guide

There are 3 easy steps to activate the direct integration from preezie journeys into your dotdigital account.

1. Obtain your API key from your dotdigital account

  • Sign in to your dotdigital account

  • Go to > Settings > Access > API users

  • You can use an existing API user or create a new one just for this integration by clicking > New User

  • Now copy the ‘email’ of the API user

2. Add to your preezie account

  • Now fill in these fields:

Form field


Form field


User Name

paste in your API user email from dotdigital


use your dotdigital API password (Now hit Test Connection)

Api Endpoint

(read only) https://r3-api.dotdigital.com (Note, this field will automatically populate after you hit Test Connection)

Opt-in type

select how you want your contacts to be handled for email subscriptions in dotdigital

Unknown = emails go straight into ‘subscribed’ status, see https://support.dotdigital.com/hc/en-gb/articles/212212098-Contact-opt-in-types

List ID (Optional)

if you want emails to go straight into your email List enter the List ID found from your dotdigital account,

e.g. 123456789 if your list ID url is:


turns on/off the integration

  • Click Save Dotdigital Integration

3. Add 3 custom preezie fields to your dotdigital account

  • Now go back to your dotdigital account go to Settings > Contacts > Contact data fields > Custom data fields

  • Click New Data Field to Create these 3 fields:













Data type




Default value









Data fields

Data fields

Data fields


Congrats, you are now live!!

Where to find your data

Once your integration is live, every email being submitted through preezie will send to Dotdigital the fields in you lead form

Remember the lead form fields are specified in the Journey settings > Signup Lead Form tab

Inside your Dotdigital account this data can be found in:

Audience > Contacts

Each Contact record will have their personal data stored here. For example,

  • Name, Email, Phone, Opt-in type, Subscribed date etc.

  • If you are using extra fields like Date Of Birth in your preezie form then these will be stored in Data fields:

Audience > Contacts > Insight data

There are 3 insight collections stored

  1. ConsentInsight

    • This contains what and when the user consented to the sign-up

  2. preezie_qa

    • This contains all of the questions and answers the user completed

    • Key:

      • page = the question number

      • question = the question text

      • answers = all of the answers given

      • category = the name of the journey they completed

      • submittime = the date time they completed the journey

  3. preezie_recommendations

Here you’ll find the top product results the shopper was recommended, note this is only page 1 of the results

  • Key:

    • id: the unique identifier of the product as defined in your Product Attributes in the preezie CMS

    • name: the product name

    • img: the image url

    • url: the product url

    • price: the price shown

    • score: the match score

    • age etc. these are custom attributes with a check against Appears in Statistics in Product Attributes in the preezie CMS:

Removing old data

To keep data storage light and not incur any additional Dotdigital charges. We automatically remove all preezie Insight collections data older than 3 months.

Create a segment with your data

Using the preezie data within your Insight collections you can now directly create segments and even email content using this dynamic data.

  • >click to select preezie_qa data > Select data field > answers

    • Note, this will allow you to use journey answer data, but you can choose any of the data fields here

  • Enter the journey answer text you want to match on, e.g. Over $500 > Okay

    • This will now generate a segment of all Contacts who have answered Over $500

    • Note, this can be used across all journeys if you have the same answer across multiple journeys

  • This will immediately show you how many Contacts match that segment so you can now start sending campaigns!

preezie Integration Video Explainer (6 minutes)

Note, instructional videos can be outdated quickly, always use the latest settings detailed above.

Building emails using preezie data

Now you have your preezie data stored against your contacts you can use Dotdigital’s Liquid markup language to use this as content in your emails.

Here we’ll show how a user’s preezie results email can be dynamically created.

Add products to an email template

Either clone an existing product based email template (e.g. abandoned cart) or create a new one.

  • Now drag in a Loop component from the Advanced personalisation section:

  • In this component, Select collection > preezie_recommendations hit APPLY

  • Now drag another Loop component into the first loop and choose collection > recommendations. Here you can choose 1/2/3 columns depending on the number of products you want to show in a row on larger devices.

  • These will loop through the contents of the contact’s insight collection data.

Now we’ll add the product details to these loops.

Drag in a Text component and hit the Edit HTML icon in the menu bar:

Here you’ll add HTML around the Liquid markup to show the products, e.g.

<a href="{{recommendations.url}}">
<img src="{{recommendations.img}}" style="max-width: 80%;">
<p>{{recommendations.price | money: "AUD" }}</p>

The Liquid markup requires the pattern {{recommendations.<name of attribute>}} plus you can see an additional filter has been added to the price field.

By adding money filter and your currency acronym it will add the appropriate symbol in front of it, e.g. from 21.00 to $21.00


All of the Dotdigital Liquid filters you can use are listed here: https://support.dotdigital.com/en/articles/8198944-filter-liquid-outputs

Liquid markup variables

Here’s a quick guide to the standard variables from preezie_recommendations you can use:

Product feed variable

Liquid markup


Product feed variable

Liquid markup


Product ID


The SKU or unique ID of your product

Product name


Product name

Product link


Product page link




Match score


The product’s match score based on the preezie user’s quiz answers



Any custom variables you have passed to Dotdigital via CMS product attributes

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